Updating user account billing settings

Note: This article only applies to users of the public npm registry.

You can update the credit card used to pay for your paid user account plan. Updating your credit card will not change your billing cycle date, and the new credit card will be charged on the next billing cycle.

Note: If the credit card used to pay for your paid user account plan expires, or we are otherwise are unable to charge your card, you have a grace period of nine days to update the card.

Updating credit card information

  1. Log in to npm with your user account.
    Screenshot of npm login dialog
  2. In the upper right corner of the page, click your profile picture, then select Billing Info.
    Screenshot of billing info selection in user menu
  3. Under "monthly bill", click Edit Payment Info.
    Screenshot of edit payment info link
  4. In the billing information dialog box, enter your billing information:
    • Email: the email address used for the billing contact
    • Name: the name on the credit card used to pay
    • Street, City, ZIP Code, Country: the billing address associated with the credit card
    Screenshot of billing form
  5. Click Payment Info.
    Screenshot of payment information button
  6. In the credit card information dialog box, enter your credit card information:
    • Card number
    • MM / YY: the month and year of the card expiration date
    • CVC: the three-digit code on the credit card
    Screenshot of the credit card form
  7. To save your credit card information for other payments on npm, select "Remember me".
    Screenshot of payment remember me button
  8. Click Update Card.
    Screenshot of update credit card confirmation button

Updating billing receipt email and extra receipt information

You can update the email address used for receipts, and add extra information to the receipt for your paid user account plan, such as your business name, VAT identification number, or address of record. Updated billing information will appear on all receipts immediately.

Note: The billing email is used for receipts only and is not required to match the email address of the person whose card is used to pay for the paid user account plan.

  1. Log in to npm with your user account.
    Screenshot of npm login dialog
  2. In the upper right corner of the page, click your profile picture, then select Billing Info.
    Screenshot of billing info selection in user menu
  3. On the Billing Information page, under "monthly bill", select View Billing History.
    Screenshot of billing history selection in user menu
  4. At the bottom of the Billing History dialog box, click "Receipt Settings".
    Screenshot of billing receipt settings
  5. To add a business name, VAT number, address of record, or other information to your receipts, in the "Extra Billing Information" text box, type the information.
    Screenshot of the extra billing info dialog
  6. To update the email address used for receipts, beside "Send my receipts", select the checkbox and type the email address that should receive billing receipts.
    Screenshot of billing receipt email settings
  7. Click Save.
    Screenshot of billing extra info save button